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Episode 14

Gaming on Multiple Platforms

Fabu had not been exposed to gaming on multiple platforms such as Xbox and VR. VR gaming had just come out, and Fabu wanted to play VR games often. These were not only fun for her but all of us as a family.

Our strategy was to expose her to a variety of gaming choices besides pc games like Minecraft and Roblox and app games like plants vs. zombies. We knew that eventually, she would pick the games that she was most comfortable with or piqued her interest the most.

She initially was very interested in VR games and was fascinated by them. We recorded a lot of VR games, including her most favorite, Job Simulator. The therapeutic tool with these videos was for her to describe her surroundings, what she was doing and what she was about to do. Since VR was so new, we did not know if there would be any long-term effects on her vision, so we decided to take a break from VR and encourage her to play any other games on either Xbox, pc, or mobile.
She decided to go back to PC games, where she was most comfortable. Fabu began choosing to play scary games, which was no surprise as she always liked to watch scary movies…

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