
ADHD with Fabu is a series of videos discussing topics relating to ADHD, from Fabu’s personal experience and research. Fabu would like to bring awareness and education while supporting and empowering others like her. 


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What's ADHD and how You know You have it

Hello everyone, welcome to another episode of ADHD with FABU. Today I am going to talk about what is ADHD, the symptoms, and How you know you have it. 

I want to clarify, I’m clearly not a doctor, obviously, so any and all information is what I have researched and my personal experiences.     

ADHD stands for Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Adhd is very complicated and in my opinion, I believe ADHD should stand for ACPWHOTTDKTHADHD. Which stands for amazing creative people who half of the time don’t know they have ADHD.  I believe the word “disorder” is really negative and leads people to believe there is something wrong with you.  In reality, there isn’t anything wrong with you, our brains just work a little differently.  There are many that don’t even know that what they are experiencing is due to having ADHD.   This brings us to the question What is ADHD, what are the symptoms and how do you know if you have it?                                                                                     

There are thousands of symptoms but I’m only naming 4 that has been confirmed by doctors and therapists. I kind of has helped because my mom’s a therapist and speaks to me all the time! I can absolutely confirm all these symptoms to be true because I have all of them.

  1. Unable to Pay Attention – If this is your first video watching me then welcome but I have said this many times I NEVER EVER pay attention except if I’m interested in what I am doing. Do you know how many times a teacher would say FABU PAY ATTENTION because either I was looking at a fly or daydreaming. Same with gaming how I sometimes wander off and start doing unrelated tasks and not focus on the main task. Or when I am watching a movie but totally space out and have no idea what is going on and have to keep asking FabuDad what is going on. I like to like to see that this also this comes with perks like in games when I wander off I usually get like a good weapon, goodies, or find Easter eggs.
  2. Excessive talking – OK even though I have a speech delay I still talk a lot! Sometimes I don’t even get what I’m saying because I just talk without thinking. People who have this symptom are referred to by others as the annoying talker. This can be good, for example, in my gaming when I am in an FPS game I tend to go very detailed like yo Julio the guy is 180 from me, near the large tree with red leaves and he is hiding in the house because I can see him from the window on the right side. This is a great quality if you’re into Esports.
  3. Acting without thinking – I just act and don’t really think of the consequences and to be honest it’s not awesome to have this symptom because it can get me into trouble A LOT! For me, I found that it can be good when you need to be brave. This has allowed me to do things that needed for me to be brave and fearless. I have been able to get through scary games like Resident Evil 7 thanks to this.
  4. Unable to sit still – I saved the worst for last! I always need to do something I can’t just stand still. Not even when I am sleeping my body does not let me, I sleepwalk, sleep talk, and even snore. It’s hilarious how sometimes I freak out Fabumom and Fabudad and sometimes I even scare myself when I wake up in parts of the house that are not my bed and now with miss Cleo I think my body has learned to pick her up so can keep sleeping with me wherever I end up. Its creepy.

There are 3 types of ADHD:

  1. ADHD, combined type. This, the most common type of ADHD, is characterized by impulsive and hyperactive behaviors as well as inattention and distractibility.
  2. Impulsive/hyperactive type.
  3. Inattentiveand distractible type.

Inattentive types tend to have: Trouble paying attention to details, are easily distracted, have trouble organizing or finishing tasks, Often forget routine chores such as paying bills

Impulsive/hyperactive type: Tend to be Impatient with waiting their turn or waiting in line. Blurt out answers before the question has been completed. Interrupt or intrude on others such as butting into conversations or games.

the combined type is when you have a little of everything

Boys tend to have the hyperactive type where girls tend to have the inattentive type.

I myself have the combined type.

According to John Hopkins Medicine, they explain the following are the most common symptoms of ADHD. However, each child may experience symptoms differently. The 3 categories of symptoms of ADHD include the following:

  • Inattention:
    • Short attention span for age (difficulty sustaining attention)
    • Difficulty attending to details
    • Easily distracted
    • Poor organizational skills for age
    • Poor study skills for age
  • Impulsivity:
    • Has difficulty waiting for his or her turn in school and/or social games
    • Tends to blurt out answers instead of waiting to be called upon
    • Takes frequent risks, and often without thinking before acting
  • Hyperactivity:
    • Seems to be in constant motion; runs or climbs, at times with no apparent goal except motion
    • Has difficulty remaining in his/her seat even when it is expected
    • Fidgets with hands or squirms when in his or her seat; fidgeting excessively
    • Talks excessively
    • Has difficulty engaging in quiet activities
    • Loses or forgets things repeatedly and often
    • Inability to stay on task; shifts from one task to another without bringing any to completion

I didn’t take out anything from the hyperactivity because all of them seem like valued points and a lot of those symptoms are things I tend to do… Whoop

According to many articles, I have read doctors and professionals say that Untreated ADHD can cause problems throughout life. People with ADHD tend to be impulsive and have short attention spans, which can make it harder to succeed in school, at work, in relationships, and in other aspects of life.

So, they’re technically saying that I’m screwed. Great! All jokes aside the sooner you are diagnosed and know you have ADHD, the sooner you can learn about yourself and learn techniques to help you overcome the ADHD obstacles and take advantage of the ADHD benefits, which ARE MANY!!!

If anything of what you heard in this video applies to you, please go tell your parents to take you to a doctor or a mental health professional and get diagnosed today!!!

That’s a wrap everyone, to be honest, I made this video because I still don’t fully even know what ADHD is and all of the symptoms.  You know I got to make sure I really have ADHD ayooo. After all my research, I can fully confirm that I 100% have ADHD because I have 99% of the symptoms. Let’s not forget that a diagnosis does not define us!!!!


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ADHD Diagnosed Girls Vs Boys

Welcome everyone to, ADHD with FABU! This is our first video about ADHD so to start off I thought it would be cool, to clear the air and talk about why boys are more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than girls, 12.9% compared to 5.6%. This is not because girls are less likely to have ADHD, but that ADHD symptoms present differently in girls.

First off, I want to clarify, I’m clearly not a doctor, obviously, so any and all information is what I have researched and my personal experiences. Because Yes, I have ADHD and I AM not ashamed. I am so hyped because like I said this is my FIRST VIDEO, of many more to come, talking about ADHD, so let’s go straight to the action! 

After a lot of research, I’m going to break down the three main reasons why boys are more likely to be diagnosed than girls.  


This is one of the main reasons why girls are most likely to be misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at all. Because girls are not usually as aggressive or confrontational as boys they are overlooked and may not realize that they have ADHD.  One stereotype of girls is that they are very chatty and are daydreamers but in reality, these are ADHD symptoms.  

Boys are overlooked as well, not as much as girls when they are seen as “boys just being boys.” 

Hard to notice: 

Boys are easier to spot for ADHD because they tend to have more energy running around and fighting. Girls on the other hand are different because most girls, are more in their head and emotional. So for example a girl daydreaming or taking long on a test is not as noticeable because they are thought to be silly and stupid. Luckily, I have accommodations in school, for me to take as long as I need on a test because I take longer to finish tests. It’s not because I’m stupid or dumb, it’s because I get easily distracted like daydreaming or looking at a fly. 


Another reason why girls aren’t diagnosed as much as boys are for example if a girl is causing trouble, and recommended to see a doctor for them to be diagnosed, they are less likely to diagnose a girl with ADHD even if they actually have the same symptoms as a boy. 

Some examples of the differences between boys and girls with ADHD are: 

1 – Boys tend to cause more trouble in school or work when girls have more trouble in social life or relationships

2 – Boys tend to be more physically aggressive, on the other hand, girls are more verbally aggressive

3 – Girls are more likely to space out in a conversation when boys interrupt sentences.

4 – Boys tend to have more external symptoms where they affect others, whereas girls tend to have more internal symptoms where they are more likely to hurt themselves 

5 – Girls tend to have low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression where boys have behavioral issues

6 – Girls tend to focus on Negativity where boys tend to get more frustrated

A study by Stephen Hinshaw and Joseph Biederman found that girls that have ADHD are more likely to self-harm, and attempt suicide, and boys are more likely to have Bipolar dipolar disorder and Psychiatric hospitalizations.

 7 – Girls tend to be more depressed, focus on negativity or hurt themselves and I bet you’re wondering why.  It’s because when girls haven’t been diagnosed with ADHD, they don’t have an explanation for what is happening to them and they feel like there is something wrong with them and they are the only one who is drowning while for example, her friends are succeeding in life. 

If you are watching this because you probably went down a YouTube rabbit-hole… been their sister. I just wanted to tell you you’re not alone and you can join our discord and we can talk about it :] 

ADHD is very complicated and twisted but one thing I know for sure, there are people like me who could say I’ve been there, whether you are a boy or a girl with ADHD don’t feel ashamed. You are beautiful the way you are and sorry to break it to you, there is no cure for ADHD.  We just need to embrace it and use it to our advantage. Changing who you are to reflect what is perfect in ur mind is dumb because you’re already perfect, even if you don’t have ADHD, you’re not alone, you too are, beautiful and you’re amazing. 


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ADHD and Emotions

Hello everyone, and welcome to ADHD with Fabu. I want to clarify, I’m clearly not a doctor, so any and all information is what I have researched and my personal experiences.  Adhd and emotions are very complicated. Up until now, I had no idea that my emotions are affected by my ADHD. Today we will talk about how ADHD affects our emotions and why?? 

People with Adhd feel the same emotions that a person without ADHD would feel. If someone insults you, you would probably be hurt and that’s normal.  In someone with ADHD, that feeling of hurt lasts longer and feels more intense. Some would say this makes us a Drama queen. Why? Well because we have trouble understanding our emotions. It is often hard to know what we’re feeling and we end up using the common words, mad, sad, and happy.  But there are so many other emotions that we are unaware of such as lonely, guilty, disappointed, annoyed, overwhelmed, discouraged, amused, energetic, confident, and inspired. 

 If you have trouble with this you should use an Emotion Wheel, which can help you better identify and express what you are feeling.

This can not only help you but those around you.  Our feelings and emotions definitely have an effect on those around us.  Like in the game True Colors, the main character has the power of empathy, so when she feels someone is angry or sad it affects the character in a powerful and intense way, including her surroundings.

It can be said that most of us ADHDers experience Emotional Dysregulation.  According to WebMD, this is when us ADHDers have

an emotional response that is poorly regulated and does not fall within the traditionally accepted range of emotional reactions. It’s like having emotions that are super intense in comparison to the situation that triggered it.

Research shows that many people with ADHD have emotional Dysregulation, experiencing symptoms such as low frustration tolerance, impulsivity, temper outbursts, and significant mood fluctuations.

So how does this affect us? Well, it has been shown Individuals who experience emotional dysregulation have difficulty accepting their emotional response which can lead to behavioral dysregulation including, non-suicidal self-injurious behavior, suicidal ideation and attempts, excessive substance use, and impulsivity. 

SO, as an ADHDer how do we fix this?  Well, the more you learn about yourself, the more you are able to understand why you do certain things and then can work on overcoming those challenges you face. 

As I learn more about having ADHD, I am learning ways for to cope with my emotional dysregulation by:  

  1. I have started a journal to help me better understand my emotions and track my emotions daily
  2. I am learning to identify and name the emotion I am feeling in the moment
  3. I am learning to pay attention to negative thoughts that may happen before or after strong emotions
  4. This is a hard one but I am learning to change the way I think about a situation so I can feel less of a negative emotion

Guys, none of these is easy.  I am just starting down the road of understanding my emotions and it can get a little overwhelming.

But we do owe it to ourselves and those around us, to try different ways to understand and control our emotions which then leads to understanding and controlling our behaviors.

There is no right or wrong way to feel about certain events or situations. 


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Benefits of having a Dog / Pet when you have ADHD

Hello everyone, welcome to another episode of ADHD with FABU.  Today we will be talking about the Benefits of having a pet for someone who has ADHD.

EVERYONE LOVES PETS.  Some people can find comfort in having a pet lion and others receive comfort from a little mouse.  For me, a miracle happened! I got MISS Cleo, She was everything I ever wanted in a dog.  I can say without a doubt she is MY DREAM DOG. She is Lazy, loves to eat all day, naps a lot but can also be full of energy.  And she is so cute.  Her face is beautiful and when she looks at me, I just melt. 

I think I am her Miracle owner well that’s what I want to believe. Miss Cleo has been my emotional support dog and helps me every day with My Adhd.  The only negative to miss Cleo is all the pooping! Everything else is GUCCI!! Miss Cleo is the love of my life,  I love her soooooo much. But this video is not how much I love miss Cleo it’s how she helps me get through my day with ADHD.

  1. Anxiety

Emotional support dogs can help you overcome anxiety.  When I am mad, sad, or just frustrated, you know who is always there.  Yes you guessed it… MISS CLEO. SHE’S ALWAYS THERE from when I get up to when I fall asleep.  She makes my day from the moment I wake up and see HER FACE.  She helps me forget all my problems with her unconditional love and companionship. Research has shown that petting and cuddling an animal can reduce feelings of anxiety and stress.  The best thing about having a dog is that they don’t talk back, and they never leave. 


Many people with ADHD tend to be hyperactive which for the parents can be kind of annoying. Having a dog, lets you waste all that energy running around with your dog, playing or going out for a walk.  The dog will be overjoyed when you play and take them out.  It’s a win-win for both the dog and the ADHDer who both get a good walk and not to mention playing with the Dog, so Walking plus Playing equals Your pretty satisfied with the exercise and to be honest this is a big win for the parents.

  1. Management Skills

Caring for miss Cleo is 24/7. I have to manage when to feed her, when to walk her and when to train with her. Having a dog teaches us ADHDers the habit of focusing on the plan.  But most importantly we need to REMEMBER THE plan, which for us ADHDers is kind of hard. So, I think that should be step 1. Me personally I can’t remember shit like if there was a gun to my head asking me what I ate for lunch yesterday I would die!  With a pet you can’t forget, that pet needs you or it will die. You can’t just put it on the back burner. This is what has taken me the most time to get used to and sometimes both miss Cleo and my parents have to remind me. Miss Cleo will walk around with her empty bowl until I give her food or water.  She is a savage. SO yea having a dog will definitely help us with learning time management skills, which are pretty useful to learn in our life. 

  1. Socializing

Most ADHDers don’t know how to socialize or express themselves well. So having a dog is PERFECT, especially super cute ones like Miss Cleo attract attention and can be great conversation starters.  When I am out with Miss Cleo, people always stop to talk to me about her, to tell me how cute she is, or ask questions about her.  This is an opportunity for me to practice interacting with someone I am unfamiliar with which for ADHDers tends to be something we are not good with. 


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5 COOL Things About Having ADHD

Today we are going to mention what makes ADHD amazing! And sometimes I need to hear why ADHD is amazing too, I’m only human. Usually, we look at the negatives where we can look at the positives of ADHD! Sometimes when I do Homework and it’s soooo much homework I feel like I’m unable to do it and I do everything I can do to avoid it and I’m not excited to do and I’m in this mood. But sometimes you just need to disconnect unless you’re finishing the homework in the last second, dude that always happens to me and Fabumom! But there are humongous positives of ADHD that we cannot see because we focus on the negative.   

  1. Creativity 

This feature is boom! Creativity for us ADHDers is present in whatever we do. For example, once not too long ago a medium-size package arrived and I had an idea of making miss Cleo a dog house which by the way was adorable. Sadly we threw it out because she never slept in it.  We are all creative in our own way.  I express my creativity in games such as Minecraft, where I spend hours and hours building and decorating.  Others express their creativity through Music, Art, photography, and poetry.  Did you know Justin Timberlake has ADHD, pretty cool, he’s ONE OF US!  We all express our creativity in different ways.  For me, it’s Art and Video games. 

Creativity comes when we are passionate about something which then gives us the ability to hyperfocus on that.  But let me not get ahead of myself, I will talk about that later. 

  1. Innovation

This quality is an amazing feature for us ADHDers! We adhders see solutions and opportunities where others don’t, that’s why when we correctly solve a problem in math using a method others would not,  this makes us bright and intelligent.  We think outside of the box and sometimes we even forgot that there is even a box.  We often don’t even realize how we’re innovative.  Although it hasn’t been proven, it is believed that Picasso, Da Vinci, and Einstein had ADHD because of the way they behaved throughout their life. So if my brain is similar to Einstein’s brain, I’m good.   


My ADHD is a combination between HIGH ENERGY and INATTENTION.  In those moments of high energy, I go for a run with Miss Cleo or rollerblade with her around the park.  I am able to let off all that energy and Miss Cleo gets in her workout.  This is a win-win for both of us.   

  1. Bright 

Whoever said that ADHDers were dumb was DUMB themselves!  We are actually super intelligent and have high IQs.  All of my teachers have always gone on and on about how smart I am.  My mom even says I’m a smart ass.  

  1. Hyperfocus

I saved the best for last!  This quality is my favorite and luckily I always use this to my advantage. Not everyone has this ability so, you can call me your sensei. I am able to get into a deep and intense concentration session when I am doing things I mostly enjoy. An example would be when I research and prepare a script for a video I want to make, I get so into it that I don’t even hear my mom calling me and don’t get up from the computer until I am done.  


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Best and Worst GAMES for ADHD

Today we are going to talk about some video games that help us ADHDers.  We are going to talk about a few games that have improved some of my struggles with ADHD.  There are not a lot of games that are Adhd friendly but I’m going to mention the few games that I found are and how they have helped me. First off, I want to clarify, I’m clearly not a doctor, obviously, so any and all information is what I have researched and my personal experiences. Because Yes I have ADHD and I AM not ashamed.  So let’s get to it. 

  1. Working Memory

Memory and Adhd don’t mix, we ADHDers don’t have a long memory span. So games that help with and are a good exercise to our memory are games like Ori and Tell me Why, these games were a huge challenge for me, they both challenge your memory into puzzles and memorizing the map and not get lost. 

  1. Attention and focus

I can give you some examples of games that help me focus and pay attention but what really matters here is to identify the genre of game that grabs your attention. Games that grab my attention are: Fps, story mode games, and action-adventure games. 

  1. Social Skills

Overwatch, Jackbox, and even Destiny! These are just examples of games that focus on developing social skills, communication, and working as a team. Animal Crossing is another example of a game that is online where it’s peaceful and calms anxiety and you can also play with friends or even Splatoon, really there are a hundred games that help in social skills in every genre. 

  1. Acting without thinking

Us ADHDers don’t think about the consequences before acting, games that are decision making are perfect to teach an ADHDer of consequences and not being able to restart like with an action-adventure game. Games that focus on decision-making are Tell me Why, little hope, Man of Medan, Twin Mirror, and Until Dawn, these games are just the ones that I have played recently, but there are many more games that are like this. 

  1. Unable to concentrate on tasks

Games that pressure you to complete that task and don’t allow you to deviate. These games are challenging to us ADHDers because I tend to go off task exploring and following BUTTERFLIES or like in games such as GTA instead of focusing on the heist I’m shopping or distracted getting a tattoo.  Don’t be ashamed we all been there. But games I have played recently that kept me focusing on the task and did not let me deviate are: Hitman, and Medium. 


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How Animal Crossing New Horizons Helps Me with my ADHD

Hello everyone, Welcome to another episode of ADHD with FABU. Today I will be talking about how the game Animal Crossing helps me with my ADHD.

Animal Crossing is a game that many people love and adore.  Us ADHDers, tend to think outside the box and ask questions others normally don’t.  While some ask questions like what does my villager need or want, I’m here asking myself how is animal crossing good for us ADHDers. Through these difficult times, we sometimes need a game to help us when we are feeling depressed or anxious, that’s just all positive energy and relaxing.  And the only game that screams that to me is … ANIMAL CROSSING!!!!!! Animal Crossing is loved by many gamers for its positivity, relaxing environment, surprises and never knowing what will happen next, social interactions, and our dream world.

  1. Positivity And Environment

Positivity comes in many different ways in this game.  For one fishing and grinding for the biggest fish might make them feel warm, happy, and give them purpose, or for someone else getting all the fashionable outfits or even getting the cutest villagers. The environment is chill like when you are on the beach it can be someone’s dream of living beside the ocean which they can recreate on animal crossing. Every time I get in the game I feel warm and cozy. This game would go lovely with some hot chocolate! This game is perfect to play snuggling under a blanket drinking hot coco.

  1. Never know what’s next

When I see a balloon floating in the air I just can’t help but wonder what’s inside, and that’s what is awesome about this game is that everything is a mystery. Like when you go into the furniture shop, it’s different every time as well as with the fashion store. I am going to share with you a little secret… my brain is in love every time I go to the fashion store or furniture store and see everything is different. For us ADHDers, we need to keep engaged with a game to continue playing it or else it becomes boring and we drop it.  Never knowing what’s next helps keep me engaged.

  1. Social Interaction

Us ADHDers need to take advantage of every opportunity we get to be social.  This game is multiplayer and allows you to interact with friends that you may know in person or just online, and have the game.  You can interact in each other’s island and having the love of this game in common helps break the ice for some good conversations. 

  1. Our World

I saved the most meaningful one to me for last. After a stressful day at school, I would love to relax and chill on a beach in Hawaii, but I am nowhere near Hawaii so Animal crossing is my best option where I can design a perfect world for me, a safe place to relax OR FISH! And in this game, you can roleplay.

As a person with ADHD, I need a game that is engaging and holds my attention, provides me opportunities to socialize, as well as helps me relax and chill after a long day.  Animal Crossing has all of this.


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ADHD and Failure / How to deal with Failure having ADHD

Welcome to ADHD with Fabu! Today we are going to talk about Failure and what it has to do with ADHD and the ways we can overcome our failures and stand up once again. Let me remind you that I am not a doctor and all of what I say comes from my own research and experiences.

I think all of us ADHDers have experienced Failure in one way or another. It’s like getting a question wrong again and again because you still think 2+2 = 3.  I’ve had my fair share of Failure. I speak from experience when I say,  it’s really hard to get up and try again when us ADHDers feel like we fail all the time.

What I’m about to talk about is going to be very hard to explain but I’ll try!

Us ADHDers have to work very hard for some things that someone without ADHD would find easy. We have to work 10 times harder for something easy, and usually fail just as many times.  We have gotten so used to failing we end up believing what’s the point to try again if we are just going to fail like we always do!

I think everyone has been a victim of this and it’s not just us ADHDers that this happens to. For example, if we try to learn the guitar and we just can’t seem to get it right away and we feel like a failure who will never understand how to play the guitar.

When we don’t fail we’re surprised and confused as to how we were able to learn the guitar.

It’s a fact that we have to lose 100 times to win once. It’s part of the path. If you want to win in Call of Duty you most likely will have to lose a hundred times to win a game. Losing isn’t something bad or nor does it mean that you suck. The hardest part isn’t winning a game, it’s getting up and trying again.  THAT is the hardest part! Ways to cope with losing are:

Don’t be scared of Failure. Embrace it

Winning is like a road, and losing is the bump.  You either pass those bumps however fast or slow or go back, avoid the bumps, and never arrive to your destination. Then it starts all over. I believe you should NOT avoid the bumps. Don’t see losing as something you should avoid because without losing you will never win. I bet Michael Jordan had to lose a hundred times to be the best basketball player of all time. Yo, knowing that Michael Jordan has ADHD, I know for a fact that he definitely lost a lot before winning.  He embraced losing and kept getting back up.  What an inspiration!!!!

Take Inspiration from failure

Us ADHDers have all sorts of excuses we use to want to quit and give up doing something after failing a few times.  We find it hard to be inspired to want to keep going.    For example, when I play a match in Call of Duty I don’t always win the match.  So I try to focus on what I did wrong during the match I lost and use that as in inspiration, for my next match, to do better.  I use that as fuel for me to keep going and motivate myself to play another match. 

There is nothing bad with feeling bad

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t feel bad but not too much. Like if you playing Call of Duty and lose a match, it’s understandable if you feel salty but not too salty to not want to continue playing the game.

Let’s not be so hard on ourselves and accept that we are perfectly imperfect.


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